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The #SolidairementProcheAidant (#Solidarity Caregiver) tools, created by the psychosocial intervention team of L’Antr’Aidant, are inspired by the experiences and realities of caregivers.

The microsite revolves around the reality of caregiving and is aimed at those who support individuals with intellectual or physical disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorders.

These tools are designed to encourage reflection, dialogue, knowledge development, and network strengthening.

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Tools for caregivers

Tools designed for all caregivers of adults and seniors.


Tools for caregivers who support a person with an intellectual or physical disability and/or an autism spectrum disorder.

I am a caregiver

The tools will allow you to:

  • Foster your self-determination and recognition of your role;
  • Discover avenues for reflection, means and strategies, according to your needs;
  • Participate in enhancing your knowledge and skills of caregivers while recognizing your experiential expertise.

I am a caregiver support worker

The tools will allow you to:

  • Encourage self-determination and recognition of informal caregivers;
  • Offer support and guidance to informal caregivers throughout their journey;
  • Participate in enhancing the knowledge and skills of informal caregivers while recognizing their experiential expertise.

I am a Living or housing environment

The tools will allow you to:

  • Encourage self-determination and recognition of caregivers;
  • Assist your team in identifying the needs of informal caregivers;
  • Contribute to the development of knowledge and skills related to the caregiver reality;
  • Offer a supportive and reassuring environment for all those involved in close assistance.

Each tool that you can consult (pdf format) has two distinct parts. On the first page, we expose the reality, the issue, or the challenge experienced by informal caregivers. Then, on page 2, we offer you strategies aimed at well-being or even questions allowing informal caregivers to develop their potential for self-determination. To complement these two parts, we suggest a video in support of the #SolidairementProcheAidant (#Solidarity Caregiver) tool capsule (available in French only).

Where is my exhaustion-meter?

Why talk about sexuality in caregiving

Three-beat waltz

Support for caregivers : What is a psychosocial support at L’Antr’Aidant ?

Reconstructing your identity as a caregiver

Nurturing my relationship with reminiscence

My mental health in 5 departments

Maintaining my relationship with my loved one. Intimacy still possible?

I’m a caregiver, am I at risk of abuse ?

Caregiving from a distance

A personalized guide to wellness for caregivers

A family council? Why do we need one? And above all, how?

Lâcher prise outils

Letting go

Emergency or priority

Asking for help: how to?

Asking for help: how to?